Monday, February 9, 2015


I am an outlaw, I am a new breed of outlaw and outcast. I am branded such because I still believe that truth is absolute, God still reigns and is sovereign regardless of what heathen  sits in a white house. The rights of the unborn are inalienable regardless of any murderous legislation inacted by godless men and women. Marriage is a covenant before God and ONLY between one man and one woman and to believe this is NOT bigoted its Biblical. I am an outlaw and the present culture has made me such because I AM Christian.

Some have called Jesus a rebel when he came to earth, but in truth it is mankind that is in rebelion. It is also mankind that made Christ an outlaw when He was here on earth and His disciples outlaws throughout history. When I accepted Jesus and chose to follow Him I became an outlaw to the worlds system of rebellion against an Almighty God who is also my loving Daddy.
therefore I stand with my Father as prez and my family as brothers and sisters and take the outlaw brand with pride. I draw my line in the sand drive my stake into the ground and tie myself to it as the dog soldier of ancient days and here i stand to my final breath.

I will not quit being who I am because I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God to salvation. I will pray to my dying breath that my country will be blessed with the sorrow that leads to repentance. I will follow Gods word which says that I must obey those in authority over me unless they tell me to break Gods authority. God is sovereign and I cannot break His will or commands. when that time comes and it is coming I will stand my ground on Gods promise not  any present administration because when the country that I love and serve breaks against the God I love and serve I must and will stand with Him and turn my back on culture every time, I am an outlaw.

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